
Family Fun :D

So my sister was home the other weekend, shooting a wedding, and we decided to take some fun pics of each other for our websites. I was being a huge bum and almost didn't go, but then decided I shouldn't spend my life in bed! We headed to Birmingham, where a monsoon almost washed us away on the way there. Of course, the sun peeked out for perfect sunset light right when we got there! My sister is also trying to get in the photography business, she lives in New York now and eventually wants to come home to make it her career. It's a little harder to get started for her in NY because it is so spread out, and it's hard to get your name out there! If you want to visit her website, you can go here. I hope one day soon she can move home, finally live in the same city as me after 12 years, and have babies I can spoil :D 

My dad, where I get my charming personality from :D

He took this pic of me and Rox before we left :)

This one too, getting creative with the angles..I like it!

Off to Birmingham!

My sister Cindy, isn't she cute?

1 comment:

  1. Nice!!!!

    Great pictures of Cindy and of You and Rox...of course I took those!! haha


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