
Lost or Found?

Sorry I have been MIA lately.  I have some things going on in my life right now that make it a little hard to write. It is hard for me to write about my feelings, or write very well at all (let's be honest).  I had always been lost in life, which direction was I was heading?  I had always been a romantic and was never worried about my love life, all I thought about was boys. It is scary not knowing what you are supposed to be doing with your life.  When I finally figure out what I want to do, it is probably one of the best feelings. Every time I am done with a shoot and put my clients photos up, it is like a high.  It is so fulfilling to see that I create memories people can hold on to.  I am very thankful that I found my path, careerwise. It is hard having your own business, I have even had one of my best friends tell me that is all I care about anymore, instead of being happy for me. If you find something you want to do, and it is MY business, in order to make it work I have to work at it 200%. Even though it is stressful and I am really hard on myself at times, I am happy I am doing it.  It seems though that ever since I have started, even though this is 100% what I want to do, I find things around me falling apart.  Like I said before, ALL I cared about was boys, and this is the first time in my life... I am focusing on ME.  Because of this, I am now lost in love, and left with a broken heart.  Here is a quote from one of my favorite movies, when I heard it, it made me want to cry because it is exactly how I feel. Since I am not good with coming up with a way of saying how I feel, this is it...in love and life...at this moment. 

"Do you ever put your arms out and spin really fast?
Well that is what love is like, it makes your heart race, and turns the world upside down. But if you're not careful and keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around you. You can't see that you're about to fall."

Right now I just have to trust that things will work out the way they are supposed to.  And I have to believe what's meant to be, will be.   And for those of you that are waiting for your CD, I am a little behind because I have been sick but will have them to you as soon as I can. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. 


  1. head up Kat!.. Life will lead you where you are meant to be.
    Love you.

  2. Chin up Kathy! I've stopped caring about boys as well. Weirdly, photography is my new boy and I know it will be loyal, fulfilling, and patient for me for as long as I need it to be! The right guy will understand that, and when you feel stable enough in the business, you will begin to seek out other relationships again. It's your baby! People need to understand it takes a lot of attention and nurturing to grow one! :-)

  3. Thanks girls, Love ya! My guy was perfect and super understanding but all this craziness going on in my life makes me lost everywhere but my business. And it definitely is like my baby, I eat, sleep and breathe it. Hopefully it will all fall into place one day..

  4. Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

    Keep your head up, everything will be ok :)


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