I think of myself a year ago and I think of myself today. Last year at this time I was living in Chicago in my own apartment, working 7 days a week and I had never been so pour in my life. I was going to school at Aveda 5 days a week, basically working for free while the 2 days I had off from school I was working at a Village Green property in the Gold Coast. Every day after school I would collect the $10 I had made from standing on my feet for 8 hours, go to the walgreens on the corner and either buy pop tarts, milk, or pasta. I would go home to my fridge where there was probably 2 things in there and watch tv or read the rest of the night because I couldn't afford to go out with my friends. The funny thing is, is that I wouldn't have changed it, I love being in Chicago. I wasn't this poor the while 3 and a half years I lived there ;) I have made long lasting friendships and met some really amazing people along the way who I miss dearly.
Anyway, I was working towards a goal, and I saw the light at the end of the tunnel (even if at the end of that tunnel was a totally different direction I was headed). I was so lost for so many years on what path I wanted to take in life. I had always wanted to do photography when I was younger. I remember going to Yeatts Cider Mill and taking pictures of the water rushing over the rocks in the creek. I remember taking photography classes in college and I wouldn't mind being in the dark room all day(it was much different back then). It was always such a rush putting that white piece of paper in the chemicals and waiting for my photo to magically appear. It was always so relaxing and my getaway from the real world. This is when I realized this is what I wanted to do, but I thought, and was told by people close to me, this was an unrealistic dream. I chose many different paths in life-- retail, sales, real estate, hair. Even though I love doing hair and I love doing real estate unfortunately this wasn't my passion. I originally moved home to save money and start the whole hair thing, but I haven't had a lot of success along the way. I told my mom today "maybe things happened for a reason this way, maybe I was really meant to move home and start this". Even though it has been a hard and confusing path I am so thankful to have realized what I want to do "when I grow up". My dad still says he doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up;) I consider myself really lucky to have found it even if it took me a couple years and throwing away money along the way;). This is the beginning for me, it is exciting and I am just finding my way, even if it is a little scary. I am taking a leap of faith and even though it IS terrifying, I know it is right and that's why I will not give up. I think of myself then (so lost and no knowing if this was the right thing) and now, and it is amazing what transformed. Anything can happen, and I am going to follow my dreams!
I took some of these photos right before my cutie patuti Lindsey's birthday party. It is amazing what can tranform from a mess of melting chocolate ;)
Happy Monday!