Sorry it has taken me so long to write in this thing! My boyfriend was leaving for China for work for a month so I was doing stuff with him one week and my sister was visiting from NYC so it has been a crazy two weeks! Anyway, this was a very exciting shoot for me. So I got an email from Katie, this is the first time I was not sure how I knew my client which was a little exciting. It turns out nicks friend works with Katie and referred me, thanks Adam, you rock! We had to reschedule our first shoot because of Michigans unpredictable weather! Thankfully the next time we met is was sunny, a bit chilly but at least it wasn't raining! Well I was looking at my phone and looked up and saw the cute family I was about to photograph. Then I look in the stroller and saw the cutest little girl, Morgan! Little girls are just the sweetest little things and her mommy sure knew how to dress her! Thanks again guys for choosing me to take Morgans 6 month photos, I had a blast! Here is your sneak preview, I hope you love them so far! :)
Chicago Engagement!
I am really getting good at this, putting up two posts in one day. I could have waited till tomorrow to put this one up but I was excited for my best friends to see their pics:) I had an amazing weekend in Chicago. I arrived on the megabus late Friday night and went to the Pasta Bowl (one of my fav restaurants) with my two lovely models;) It is weird coming to the city as a visitor, and a little sad. I lived in Chicago for over 3 years and had some of the best years of my life there. It is definitely my other home and I have made some life long friendships there. It is always hard going when you are only there a couple days, it doesn't give me enough time to see everyone!
Anyways, a little bit about the two lovebirds. I have known Jill ever since high school. Oh and I am her Maid of Honor! We ended up going to Western together and were roommates for 5 years after that! Our first year at Western everyone kept telling us we would end up hating eachother and not be friends anymore. Well we proved them wrong! Of course it was a little hard at first but each year we became closer and closer and learned how to deal with eachothers ways! She is like a sister to me and I miss those days more than anything. BUT if she is going to be engaged to anyone I am glad it's Josh. While I was in Chicago I was with them a lot, sometimes feeling like their child, ha. But Josh is an amazing person, he is the funniest person I know and loves Jill with all the love in his heart. Plus, he is successful in his job which is good because Jill has some expensive taste! ;) It's okay Jill, I do too :D
We got up early to take their pics and it couldn't have been a better day. Not too cold, hot, humid...just right! We roamed the city for a couple hours and basically the rest of the trip we just ate A LOT. Of course I had to visit all of my favorite restaurants! Chicago is known for its food and let me tell you, it is AMAZING. Well here is a sneak peak for you two, I hope you like them and I love you guys so much! Thanks for everything this weekend! :)
Anyways, a little bit about the two lovebirds. I have known Jill ever since high school. Oh and I am her Maid of Honor! We ended up going to Western together and were roommates for 5 years after that! Our first year at Western everyone kept telling us we would end up hating eachother and not be friends anymore. Well we proved them wrong! Of course it was a little hard at first but each year we became closer and closer and learned how to deal with eachothers ways! She is like a sister to me and I miss those days more than anything. BUT if she is going to be engaged to anyone I am glad it's Josh. While I was in Chicago I was with them a lot, sometimes feeling like their child, ha. But Josh is an amazing person, he is the funniest person I know and loves Jill with all the love in his heart. Plus, he is successful in his job which is good because Jill has some expensive taste! ;) It's okay Jill, I do too :D
We got up early to take their pics and it couldn't have been a better day. Not too cold, hot, humid...just right! We roamed the city for a couple hours and basically the rest of the trip we just ate A LOT. Of course I had to visit all of my favorite restaurants! Chicago is known for its food and let me tell you, it is AMAZING. Well here is a sneak peak for you two, I hope you like them and I love you guys so much! Thanks for everything this weekend! :)
Posted by
Kathy Davies Photography | Portrait & Wedding Photographer | Midwest
9:36 PM

Rain Rain Go AWAY!!!
Last Wednesday I had a nice little day off. I am planning on making a whole new website, one where I can customize it better myself. So my cousin Marianne who also does photography offered to take some pics with me to put on my website. We had a lot of fun and thought of some sweet ideas so I can't wait to get that started. It might be a little while, I have a couple trips coming up in May so my bank account is not looking too hot, but it will be worth the wait! I just booked them yesterday, I am going to Vegas for my best friend Jills' bachelorette party. I am really excited because I haven't been there since I was little so I can't wait to get all dressed up and dance and hang out with my girlies! I also am going to Florida for my friend Lindsey's wedding. She was my first friend in Chicago and I miss her more than anything! Anyway, enough of me babbling about my trips. Here are some more pics that I took of Jason from the other day and one shot of my hot cuz marianne from our fun little shoot. Thanks girly, love ya!
Esquire Shoot #2!
I am getting good with updating this blog, I am so proud of myself! haha
SO it is the day after I got back from Chicago and let me tell you..I am sad to be back! I will get into more of my trip in a later blog but I wanted to put up a few pics of my 2nd photoshoot with Jason. For those of you who don't remember, he is trying out for the best dressed real man competition for Esquire Magazine. If he wins he will become famous, and so will I! haha just kidding:) If you have the time to look click on to look at his profile! Sorry I have been super busy Jason but I will have more up later in the week!
Everyone have a great Monday!
SO it is the day after I got back from Chicago and let me tell you..I am sad to be back! I will get into more of my trip in a later blog but I wanted to put up a few pics of my 2nd photoshoot with Jason. For those of you who don't remember, he is trying out for the best dressed real man competition for Esquire Magazine. If he wins he will become famous, and so will I! haha just kidding:) If you have the time to look click on to look at his profile! Sorry I have been super busy Jason but I will have more up later in the week!
Everyone have a great Monday!
I Love Spring! :)
I have so many exciting things coming up I can't wait!! The days are starting to get longer, it's starting to get warmer and I am booking more shoots! I am also working with my camera and learning more and more every day. I am actually going to Chicago this weekend to shoot my best friend and her fiance's engagement photos. I am extremely excited bc Chicago is my other home. I lived there for over 3 years and miss it like crazy!! It is such an amazing city with awesome people and lifelong friends I have made. I have so many favorite restaurants and spots that I share with Jill and Josh so we are going to have a lot of fun on our shoot. Hopefully through my pics you can see why I love it and miss it more than anything. I am hopping on that awesome Megabus tomorrow at 4pm and will arrive at Union Station at 8! Can't wait, I will have some pics up of my friend Jason (the one trying out for best real dressed man for Esquire Magazine) up tomorrow. We shot our 2nd round of pics yesterday. We didn't have a lot of time and the weather was not on our side but we got some good ones in. Until then, here are some photos that I took in my back yard that show just how beautiful spring is! Enjoy :)
Posted by
Kathy Davies Photography | Portrait & Wedding Photographer | Midwest
12:21 PM
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Nice little Saturday at the Zoo!
Finally had a Saturday off where I had NOTHING to do during the day. Me and Nick decided to go to the Detroit Zoo, and we had no idea what was in store for us. Little did we know it was BunnyDay at the zoo so it was packed! We had to park across Woodward in front of some creepy house......
and walk there bc the parking lot was full.
Well by the time we parked and walked there guess what, they were letting people in! Oh well, we got a nice walk in for the day and it was BEAUTIFUL out. I brought my fancy camera to play around with and I got some pretty funny shots. I hope you enjoy them!
The Michigan Wolverine everyone....
No comment....
They are over living at the zoo.
Baby Alligators are sweet!
It was such a nice day and all of the sudden the sky got dark. I was scared bc I didn't want my nice little camera to get ruined! Me and Nick had to run all the way back to the car with the wind pushing against us and the rainy wind in our face. Overall it was an awesome Saturday, and so what if I got blisters on my feet. One last photo for you to enjoy! Ps. Can't wait to take Jill and Josh's engagement pics in Chicago this weekend! :)
and walk there bc the parking lot was full.
Well by the time we parked and walked there guess what, they were letting people in! Oh well, we got a nice walk in for the day and it was BEAUTIFUL out. I brought my fancy camera to play around with and I got some pretty funny shots. I hope you enjoy them!
The Michigan Wolverine everyone....
No comment....
They are over living at the zoo.
Baby Alligators are sweet!
It was such a nice day and all of the sudden the sky got dark. I was scared bc I didn't want my nice little camera to get ruined! Me and Nick had to run all the way back to the car with the wind pushing against us and the rainy wind in our face. Overall it was an awesome Saturday, and so what if I got blisters on my feet. One last photo for you to enjoy! Ps. Can't wait to take Jill and Josh's engagement pics in Chicago this weekend! :)
Posted by
Kathy Davies Photography | Portrait & Wedding Photographer | Midwest
10:25 PM
1 comment:

Foxy Roxy
SO here is a funny story about my life. When I was in college I wanted to get a puppy. I fell in love with a cute little chihuahua and my amazing parents surprized me with him when I came home from Western for Xmas. He was the cutest little thing with floppy ears. Well after about a month I realized I definitely did not have time or patience to care for this little guy, I was in school and much less responsible back then;) Turns out my parents took him in, and then my grandparents fell in love with him so now he is there, and don't worry he loves it!
A couple years later I moved to Chicago, I lived with my best friend Jill the first year but then was going to move out and have my own studio apartment! I thought that I would be lonely so I was thinking I wanted to get another dog... I was definitely scared to tell my parents bc they wouldn't think I would take care of this one either, I was just a big joke basically. Well my awful job back then allowed me to look at puppies all day online and I stumbled across the cutest little thing I have ever seen. This was the photo that made me first fall in love with Roxy....
You fell in love too right? She is SUch a cutie, I HAD to have her. So I showed Nick and then I basically bought her an hour later (he thought I was crazy). I was soo terrified to tell my mom. She ended up visiting me in Chicago that week and I had been telling her how I would be lonely at my new apartment and I showed her this pic and she fell in love too. Then I broke the news to her and said "actually I already bought her!" She probably had her doubts but didn't say a word, she was happy for me. My dad...that is a different story. He ended up finding out about her from a text I had sent my mom, he ended up reading it and my mom couldn't really cover up that I said "my dog" and that is how he found out! Anyways, I did keep her and have had her 3 years now and she is the best dog I could ask for. She is so loving and very smart! She has been with me through very hard times and been my cuddle buddy when I needed someone to hug while I was in Chicago. Here are a couple older pics of her and some pics I took today. Her birthday was actually yesterday but I had to work so I am a day late, better late than never! Love you ROX!
Right after we picked her up...only a pound and a half!
3 Years Old! (with her sis Lex)
Her Classic Pose...she licks EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
A couple years later I moved to Chicago, I lived with my best friend Jill the first year but then was going to move out and have my own studio apartment! I thought that I would be lonely so I was thinking I wanted to get another dog... I was definitely scared to tell my parents bc they wouldn't think I would take care of this one either, I was just a big joke basically. Well my awful job back then allowed me to look at puppies all day online and I stumbled across the cutest little thing I have ever seen. This was the photo that made me first fall in love with Roxy....
You fell in love too right? She is SUch a cutie, I HAD to have her. So I showed Nick and then I basically bought her an hour later (he thought I was crazy). I was soo terrified to tell my mom. She ended up visiting me in Chicago that week and I had been telling her how I would be lonely at my new apartment and I showed her this pic and she fell in love too. Then I broke the news to her and said "actually I already bought her!" She probably had her doubts but didn't say a word, she was happy for me. My dad...that is a different story. He ended up finding out about her from a text I had sent my mom, he ended up reading it and my mom couldn't really cover up that I said "my dog" and that is how he found out! Anyways, I did keep her and have had her 3 years now and she is the best dog I could ask for. She is so loving and very smart! She has been with me through very hard times and been my cuddle buddy when I needed someone to hug while I was in Chicago. Here are a couple older pics of her and some pics I took today. Her birthday was actually yesterday but I had to work so I am a day late, better late than never! Love you ROX!
Right after we picked her up...only a pound and a half!
3 Years Old! (with her sis Lex)
Her Classic Pose...she licks EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Kathy Davies Photography | Portrait & Wedding Photographer | Midwest
9:33 PM
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